New Line Feed for Long Strings (Wrapper) | autoline |
Balance Binary Data by Resampling: Under-Over Sampling | balance_data |
Bind Files into Dataframe | bind_files |
Get API (JSON) and Transform into data.frame | bring_api |
Cache Save and Load (Write and Read) | cache_clear cache_exists cache_pipe cache_read cache_write |
Reduce categorical values | categ_reducer |
Validate inputs (attributions, options, ...) | are_binary are_constant are_id check_attr check_opts is_even is_ip is_odd is_url |
Check character values for date/numeric/logical and change datatype | chr2date chr2logical chr2num |
Lower/Upper Confidence Intervals | ci_lower ci_upper |
Confidence Intervals on Dataframe | ci_var |
Clean text strings automatically | cleanNames cleanText |
Automated K-Means Clustering + PCA/t-SNE | clusterKmeans |
Visualize K-Means Clusters for Several K Methods | clusterOptimalK |
Visualize K-Means Clusters for Several K | clusterVisualK |
Confussion Matrix | conf_mat |
Correlation table | corr |
Ranked cross-correlation across all variables | corr_cross |
Correlation between variable and dataframe | corr_var plot.corr_var |
Download and plot daily downloads of CRAN packages | cran_logs |
Weighted Cross Tabulation | crosstab |
DALEX Local | dalex_local |
DALEX Residuals | dalex_residuals |
DALEX Partial Dependency Plots (PDP) | dalex_variable |
Convert Date into Year + Cut | date_cuts |
One Hot Encoding for Date/Time Variables (Dummy Variables) | date_feats |
Download/Import Dropbox File by File's Name | db_download |
Upload Local Files to Dropbox | db_upload |
Dataset columns and rows structure | df_str |
Results for AutoML Predictions | dfr |
Titanic Dataset | dft |
Distance from specific point to line | dist2d |
Compare Variables with their Distributions | distr |
Calculate Continuous Values Errors | errors mae mape mse rmse rsq rsqa |
ETF's Sectors Breakdown | etf_sector |
Export ggplot2, gridExtra, or any plot object into rendered file | export_plot |
Export h2o_automl's Results | export_results |
Facebook Ad Accounts | fb_accounts |
Facebook Ads API | fb_ads |
Facebook Creatives API | fb_creatives |
Facebook Insights API | fb_insights |
Paginate and Process Facebook's API Results | fb_process |
Facebook API Report Status Check | fb_report_check |
Facebook Reach and Frequency API | fb_rf |
Facebook's Long-Life User API Token | fb_token |
Extract file raw name and type from file names | file_name file_type |
List all functions used in R script files by package | files_functions |
Google Drive Files (API v4) | filesGD |
Check if Font is Installed | font_exists |
ARIMA Forecast | forecast_arima |
Print Coloured Messages | formatColoured |
Format a string text as markdown/HTML | formatHTML formatNum |
Frequencies Calculations and Plot | freqs |
Plot for All Frequencies on Dataframe | freqs_df |
Frequencies on Lists and UpSet Plot | freqs_list |
Combined Frequencies Plot for Categorical Features | freqs_plot |
Cumulative Gain, Lift and Response | gain_lift |
Gemini API Interaction with R | gemini_ask gemini_image |
Load Credentials from a YML File | get_credentials get_creds |
Download Historical Currency Exchange Rate | get_currency |
Download MP3 from URL | get_mp3 |
Get Tweets | get_tweets |
Custom fill, colour and text colours for ggplot2 | gg_colour_customs gg_fill_customs gg_text_customs gg_vals |
Interpolate a string [glue wrapper] | glued |
ChatGPT API Interaction with R | gpt_ask gpt_classify gpt_convert gpt_extract gpt_format gpt_history gpt_table gpt_tag gpt_translate |
Structured Prompt Builder for LLM (ChatGPT) | gpt_prompter |
Pattern Matching for Letters considering Blanks | grepl_letters |
Pattern Matching for Any or All Multiple Matches | grepm |
Google Trends: Related and Time Plots | gtrends_related gtrends_time trendsRelated trendsTime |
Automated H2O's AutoML | h2o_automl plot.h2o_automl print.h2o_automl |
DALEX Explainer for H2O | dalex_explainer h2o_explainer |
Calculate predictions of h2o Models | h2o_predict_API h2o_predict_binary h2o_predict_model h2o_predict_MOJO |
Automated H2O's AutoML Results | h2o_results |
Select Model from h2o_automl's Leaderboard | h2o_selectmodel |
SHAP values for H2O Models | h2o_shap plot.h2o_shap |
Internet Connection Check | haveInternet |
Holidays in your Country | holidays |
Get Meta Data from Image Files | image_metadata |
Import Excel File with All Its Tabs | importxlsx |
Impute Missing Values (using MICE) | impute |
Install/Update Additional Recommended Libraries | install_recommended |
Scrap data based on IP address | ip_data |
Iterate Seeds on AutoML | iter_seeds |
Convert Python JSON string to R vector (data.frame with 1 row) | json2vector |
Analytics, Data Mining & Machine Learning Sidekick | lares-package lares |
Print lares R library Logo | lares_logo |
Personal Colours Palette | lares_pal |
Pipe operator | %>% lares-exports |
Most Relevant Features Using Lasso Regression | lasso_vars |
Left or Right N characters of a string | left right |
OAuth Linkedin | li_auth |
Get My Personal LinkedIn Data | li_profile |
List categorical values for data.frame | list_cats |
List files in a directory | listfiles |
Logarithmic Loss Function for Binary Models | loglossBinary |
Send Emails with Attachments (POST) | mail_send |
Convert markdown string tables to data.frame | markdown2df |
Maze Solver, inspired by Micromouse competitions | maze_gridsearch maze_solve print.maze_solve |
Calculate and Visualize Missingness | missingness |
Model Metrics and Performance | model_metrics |
Automate Data Preprocess for Modeling | model_preprocess |
Move files from A to B | move_files |
Confussion Matrix Plot | mplot_conf |
Cuts by quantiles for score plot | mplot_cuts |
Cuts by quantiles on absolute and percentual errors plot | mplot_cuts_error |
Density plot for discrete and continuous values | mplot_density |
MPLOTS Score Full Report Plots | mplot_full |
Cumulative Gain Plot | mplot_gain |
Variables Importances Plot | mplot_importance |
Linear Regression Results Plot | mplot_lineal |
Model Metrics and Performance Plots | mplot_metrics |
Cumulative Response Plot | mplot_response |
ROC Curve Plot | mplot_roc |
Split and compare quantiles plot | mplot_splits |
Top Hit Ratios for Multi-Classification Models | mplot_topcats |
Split a dataframe for training and testing sets | msplit |
What's my IP? | myip |
Build N-grams and keep most frequent | ngrams |
Plot Result with Nothing to Plot | noPlot |
Normalize Vector | normalize |
Abbreviate or dis-abbreviate numerical values | num_abbr |
One Hot Encoding for a Vector with Comma Separated Values | ohe_commas |
One Hot Smart Encoding (Dummy Variables) | ohse |
Outliers: Tukey’s fences | outlier_tukey outlier_turkey |
Outliers: Z-score method | outlier_zscore |
Outliers: Z-score method plot | outlier_zscore_plot |
Plot All Categorical Features (Frequencies) | plot_cats |
Chords Plot | plot_chord |
Plot Summary of Numerical and Categorical Features | plot_df |
Plot All Numerical Features (Boxplots) | plot_nums |
Plot Palette Colours | plot_palette |
Visualize Survey Results | plot_survey |
Plot timeline as Gantt Plot | plot_timeline |
Facebook's Prophet Forecast | prophesize |
Calculate cuts by quantiles | quants |
PostgreSQL Queries on Database (Read) | queryDB |
Queries on Google Analytics | queryGA |
Quiet prints and verbose noise | quiet |
Read Files Quickly (Auto-detected) | read.file |
Google Sheets Reading and Writing (API v4) | readGS readGS4 writeGS writeGS4 |
Reduce Dimensionality with PCA | reduce_pca |
Reduce Dimensionality with t-SNE | reduce_tsne |
Remove stop-words and patterns from character vector | remove_stopwords |
Remove/Drop Columns in which ALL or SOME values are NAs | numericalonly removenacols removenarows |
Replace Values With | replaceall |
Replace Factor Values | replacefactor |
Robyn: Generate default hyperparameters | robyn_hypsbuilder |
Robyn: Marginal Performance (mROAS & mCPA) [Experimental] | robyn_marginal |
Robyn: Model Selection by Weighted Criteria Scores | plot.robyn_modelselector robyn_modelselector |
Robyn: Dynamic Performance and Contribution Report | robyn_performance |
Cross-MMM Budget Optimization across Models | print.robyn_crossmmm robyn_xchannels robyn_xmodels |
AUC and ROC Curves Data | ROC |
Generative Art: Sphere XmodY | rtistry_sphere |
Axis scales format | scale_x_abbr scale_x_comma scale_x_dollar scale_x_formatNum scale_x_percent scale_y_abbr scale_y_comma scale_y_dollar scale_y_formatNum scale_y_percent |
Scrabble: Dictionaries | scrabble_dictionary scrabble_points scrabble_score scrabble_words |
Sentiment Breakdown on Text | sentimentBreakdown |
Surnames Order Sequence | seq_surnames |
SHAP-based dependence plots for categorical/numerical features (PDP) | shap_var |
Send Slack Message (Webhook) | slackSend |
Investing Portfolio Reporting Plots | splot_change splot_divs splot_etf splot_growth splot_roi splot_summary splot_types |
Spread list column into new columns | spread_list |
Progressive Status Bar (Loading) | statusbar |
Build a Personal Investing Portfolio Report | daily_portfolio daily_stocks stocks_file stocks_obj stocks_report |
Download Stocks Historical and Current Values | plot.stocks_hist stocks_hist stocks_quote |
Solve Sudoku Puzzles | sudoku_solver |
Set Target Value in Target Variable | target_set |
Wordcloud Plot | textCloud |
Create features out of text | textFeats |
Tokenize Vectors into Words | textTokenizer |
Theme for ggplot2 (lares) | theme_lares |
Stopwatch to measure timings in R | tic toc |
Keyword/Topic identification using RAKE | topics_rake |
Recursive Partitioning and Regression Trees | tree_var |
Trim MP3 Audio File | trim_mp3 |
Check if Specific Package is Installed | try_require |
Update the library (dev or CRAN version) | updateLares |
Convert a vector into a comma separated text | v2t vector2text |
Test the Truth of R Expressions and Warn | warnifnot |
Calculate weighted stock values using FIFO/LIFO | weighted_value |
Calculate the size of any R object or directory | what_size |
Outliers: Winsorize | winsorize |
Wordle Game Validation | print.wordle_check print.wordle_simulation wordle_check wordle_dictionary wordle_simulation |
Ranked Predictive Power of Cross-Features (x2y) | plot.x2y plot.x2y_preds x2y x2y_metric x2y_preds |
Convert Date into Year-Month, Year-Quarter or Year-Week Format | year_month year_quarter year_week |
Zero Variance Columns | zerovar |